A log of thoughts, code, ideas, and other creative work.

  • The Web Log

    A log of thoughts, code, ideas, and other creative work.

  • Truly understand

    Truly understand

    I am a person who has various weaknesses. One of the weaknesses that bother me the most is my slow reading speed. I read aloud as fast as I read quietly. I have tried different speed reading techniques, but my reading compreh…

  • Soft Skills potentiate in hard Skills Job

    Soft Skills potentiate in hard Skills Job

    Since I am together with my wife, I got insight into a world unknown to me until then. Before, I was busy with skills and knowledge. But if I want to have a successful relationship, I need more skills. So-called soft skills. …

  • Meaning is perceptible

    Meaning is perceptible

    Perhaps the greatest question of philosophy, at least the most famous, is: “What is the meaning of life?” And although modern philosophy tries to answer this question, and religions have answers that alienate outsiders, it re…

  • Cleanliness is inhuman

    Cleanliness is inhuman

    There exist general red flags that something is off when looking at a person. But there is one thing that I don’t think people are aware of. How clean is an apartment says a lot about the imperfection tolerance of the occupan…

  • Produce instead of consume

    Produce instead of consume

    When a message challenged me the most and still does; When I challenge others the most with a message, it is with the challenge, “Do something!” You whine that you’re not rich, that the world is unfair. You consume video afte…

  • Metaphysics is Psychology

    Metaphysics is Psychology

    First, what is metaphysics. It has nothing to do with physics in the modern sense. Metaphysics is outside of physics. Natural scientists therefore often smile at it because it speaks of a world they do not know. I try here to…

  • Learning from Hypocrites

    Learning from Hypocrites

    The hypocrites of this world fill our televisions, implore us on the radio, pass laws, lecture us without justification. So, it seems. And yet, the person who finds truth in the testimony of a hypocrite is a veritable gold-di…

  • Life is a Game

    Life is a Game

    This view is usually held by cynical people to justify their inhumane behavior. But although their motivation is questionable, their statement has truth. Because life has its rules. Its consequences. It is a game that goes on…

  • Belief content is relevant

    Belief content is relevant

    Faith and science are hostile to each other. At least that is the popular opinion. One seems to be forced in one direction. Science thinks there is no free will, no God, no human rights, no soul or whatever. Whether it really…

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