
People that don’t like children are creepy!

The internet is a place of many niches. It divides society in fragments. One of which is the cat-person or dog-person. The dog people don’t understand why one could love a creature not returning the affection. However, it is very similar to children. Children bring havoc in your life. They lie, scream and stink. But they are also very curious and easy to motivate. Believe a lot and have hope for the future. They are the extreme form of life itself. If you don’t like them, it shows a lack of tolerance of life. You cannot accept that life occasionally stinks.

The miracle of life often lies exactly in the smelling baby-pod. The inconvenience averse person depraves himself of the most fundamental experience of life, which is finding gold where you did not expect it. If you do not go on this path, you will only find what you already know. And if this is the case, what’s the point of lifelong self-indulgence?






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