
Produce instead of consume

When a message challenged me the most and still does; When I challenge others the most with a message, it is with the challenge, “Do something!” You whine that you’re not rich, that the world is unfair. You consume video after video of how unfair the world is, or even books that “help” you finding your way. But the only thing that changes the world is action. Consumption is fine for your mind and soul. To experience new thoughts. But if you do nothing, you become a useless Wikipedia copy. I can google myself which exercises are optimal, which diet is good, how to be more productive. Or even what are the theories about meaning and God. If you have learned that, you are an interesting interlocutor, but not more interesting than YouTube.

I’ll tell you one thing: If you consume something longer than a year, it proves your laziness. No man has enough message for so long. Life has to be lived and not understood. The irony of it all is that every media creator is on the other side of the fence. They are trying to create content that inspires people and moves them forward. As long as you are lazy you will never feel understood by media creators because they are producers, not consumers.

And if you start doing something. You start a podcast, write a book, start a film club, or start playing sports. Then the journey starts. You’ll viscerally experience how the world responds to what you have to offer. It will ignore your book because no one cares. You’ll get defeated in martial arts and you’ll get negative comments. But at least you are part of the game that is being played. If you are a consumer, then you are a resource that wants to be exploited. Companies want your money. Social media wants your attention. But if you produce, the relationship changes.

That’s when the blessing begins. You’ll do things that actually help others. You’ll be a pillar of support in dark times. You will change the world. How much is not only up to you, but the world must also bless you back. However, believe and you will see. Blessings are in places you would never have looked.

But as a last message: Please when you start to produce, create something that empowers people, not numbs them. Give them a voice and the ability to do something. My attitude is: If you read my book and want to buy another one from me, I have done something wrong. Because you should be able to think for yourself and recreate the content of my other book.






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