Category: Book
Lessons from my book
As writing a book is demanding and writing it in a compelling way even more. But as a lesson, I learned the last years is most stuff you do that you think is for others is mostly for yourself. My books are mostly for myself. …
From is to ought
This long text / short book covers my ideas on how to get to statements of ought from is statements. This text is in German.
A first version of my book was written years ago. Actually, there were two books from this time. Both in German. Both not that good. Both dear to my heart and crucial to the development of my philosophy.
The basis of my book is a collection of essays which I wrote. After some point, I realized that to understand my argument, one has to have read a previous text of mine. I converted therefore the texts into HTML and put links …
The book
While studying, I wrote a book. It captures my philosophy and looks at the consequences of it. I claim to have found a level of analysis for all matters important to human life. It is often forgotten and the replies that I ge…